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The Earl Campbell Story - A special story: Earl's Black Sweater

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Feb 8, 1918, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, Eng.
p.3 I wrote to Merle a few days ago I will look for a letter from her soon. I find it very lonesome to be without mail from home. I have been so use to getting it so regular in France. When I got back off my 14 days leave. I sure had some mail waiting for me. There were 5 boxes. I sure had a feed for once in France. I wrote to the Coy and told them to send it along to me if they could. But I am not sure if they are allowed to send parcels or boxes. So I guess that sweater Mother sent me will have to wait until I go back again.

Mar 9, 1918, Cheltenham, Eng.
"Dear Merelda & All, I received your 17 page letter of Jan 15th a few days ago. I should had written you before. You say that I can write awful good letters. Maybe I can. But I can't beat you writing letters. I am allways glad to get your fat ones. I had a box from Ruth the other day same day as I rec the one Mother sent with the black sweater and streaked socks in. Ruth's had a jar of chicken preserved in butter. It was jolly fine. The Nurse had some of it. She said she would have to go Canada if the butter was so good as it was" .

May 13, 1919, letter from Earl to Merelda from brings the Black sweater full circle. As
I'll never forget that foot-ball match I played at Kettleby in July 1916. My Black sweater was like a rag that had been in a river for a year.

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